Thursday, October 28, 2010

Single Improvement Project.

AL 84680 - SECTION 3
24 AUGUST 2010

An international organization has just given a grant to my hometown to fund a single improvement project. I would highly recommend the public transportation system to receive this funding. I strongly believe the improvement of the public transportation system that will be made in my hometown could upgrade the quality of life of the villagers.

I would like my hometown to be accommodated with public vehicle that operates daily so that the villagers will get many benefits from this improvement project. They can create and start businesses with outsiders with no boundary and limits as the transportation will always be provided. This leads to market expansion of the manufacturing and trading industry in my hometown and make the productivity increases higher. The increase in productivity also creates more job opportunity among the villagers, thus improves the economic status in my hometown and more development can be made.

The villagers will have a better quality of health and finance too. This improvement project will surely reduce pollution in my hometown as less vehicles will be on the road, reducing the noise pollution and air pollution as well. The usage of public transportation helps to promote cleaner air as less automobile will be on use. This reduces the release of smog of vehicles that may pollute the surrounding air. So, the villagers will have an eco-friendly environment that offers benefits to health. Having a stable economic level also leads to the increment of the quality of life. I will strongly recommend the villagers in my hometown to practice to use the public transport as it lowers the cost of living, that can make the economic level more stable. This is because the usage of cars and motorbikes cost a lot more than using the public transport, since there are many things about the vehicles to take care of, such as the maintenance of the car.

In conclusion, I am inclined to believe that the public transport system should receive the funding from the international organization as the improvement of the system could upgrade the quality of the villagers’ life in my hometown. The development that will be made from the funding should be operated wisely so that all of the villagers could enjoy the benefits in a long term and make the fund given worth in return.

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